ITW : Salomon Faye

Salomon Faye is one of the artist that made me believe that Hip Hop is still alive. This artist is a master in lyricism and his flow is pretty singular. So when we had the opportunity to do an interview of him we just ceased the chance, in order to share with you guys what he is really about.


Can you introduce yourself? 

I'm an experience being shared with All. 

You were born in France, tell us about your french origins?

I have friends and family there. All my friends in Paris are creatives of some sort. You may have heard of Myth Syzer (producer) , Jazzy Bazz , L'Entourage, The Hop. and Lionel El sound. Lionel is my producer. He produced and mixed Quest.. and he also mixed everything on Alchemy , Brooklyn and Fools Gold. I'm also working with him on my first « Album Book of a Salomon Faye ». Big ups to Lionel El sound, when I need mixes he's definitely worth saving the money for. 

How was it growing up in Harlem? How growing up there influenced your music?

Growing up in Harlem is a risky game with getting lost to the streets aka THE SYSTEM and becoming overwhelmed by destructive influences while you're to young to have any conception of whats going on around you or what you're getting into and why, at that time it's just fun and games but over time shit gets real. Harlem gave me my swagg and my edge. 

When did you start rapping? when did u started taking it seriously? 

I still remember a verse I performed in front of class in 3rd grade, but I had verses I was writing before that I just don't remember. 15 years old I did my first song & video in Paris with Jazzy Bazz & Esso (cool connexion) Mixed and produced by Lionel El sound. It was that experience where I decided music is what I'd do with my life. It was at 18 years old where I fully committed my self and dropped everything I was doing that wasn't aligned with creating the dream. Building with nothing but faith friends, family and passion I got familiar with the ways the universe and how anything is possible and achievable through love and truth. Since then I've only gone deeper into these understanding I they reflect in my lifestyle and expression.

You did a song about Brooklyn, but you were raised in Harlem ? Do you have a special relationship with this boroughs?

I've been building my foundation in BK for the last two years, the song is just a brief summary or insight into some more or less up to date experiences I've had living here. 

Lot of people compare you to the Brooklyn's Mc Mos Def? What is your opinion about that?
I think that's Dope. I'd like to build with him soon.

Who are you favorite MCs? 

My favorite mc is Lauryn Hill, even tho I'm not a fan of her most recent released songs I think her expression is one of the most passionate the game has ever felt. I love the inspiration and hope in her music and most of all the Love, she also finds clever and tasteful ways to plant seeds of thought in her music that help people grow and have better perspective in life. 

What do you think about the new Hip Hop scene?

The HipHop scene right now musically as a majority is average or a bit below with a few artist who's music is above average. Influentially HipHop is dangerous because it influences a lifestyle that leads to waisting a lot of time and going to prison,these days it's just trap music and club bangers getting the most looks in HipHop. However, I think it's enough new skillful talent on the rise that will use the influences to strengthen our communities and characters as a people through the music or what ever means of creation. 

In music and even general it's hard to find uniqueness? Do think it is possible be unique without being inspired by others? 

Everyone's unique, they either know it or they don't but it can't be escaped. Being inspired by others is natural they 're apart of us, by denying yourself to be inspired by the life around you it's only limiting yourself. We pick everything up from others. 

What is your rap standing for? and How do your maintain ur creativity?

I perpetuate and re enforce the power of love through my expression, I maintain my creativity with my will to live and share my experiences in an enlightening way.

You are 21 years old, I was surprised when I found out about that, because it feels like you have a mature awareness of what is going on, about who you are and who you want to be in the futur. I mean, people are still in search of what they want to be at that age? So, are u still in search ?

I know who I am but what I must be is versatile and adaptable so that I can consciously "become" at any present moment. 

Who's the person who influences you the most?

I influence my self most. 

You are releasing a new EP called 'Stimulation', can you tells us more about this project? 

I'm releasing Stimulation, there are some personal expressions in there but most of all it's a great introduction and a substantial meal of music for the listeners to digest as I'm working on my Album Book of Salomon Faye

We want know more about The Illuzion, tell us more about your label culture? - how many artists do u have? 

I'll tell you more about that next time. 

What are you doing when you're not working on your amazing lyrics?

Living, I don't know when lyrics isn't being created 

What's next for you, do you planning on touring ?

Imma tour around the world. 

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